期待已久,再一次到Staples Center看NBA球賽的日子終於來臨;只是,當天竟然下著狂風大驟雨!!
因為不想駕車付高昂的泊車費,我們決定坐巴士,然後拿著雨傘步行幾個街口去Staples Center.還好我買的是VIP票,因為竟然有VIP專用入口,否則便要跟一大班人濕漉漉的排隊過安檢了.
乘電梯上到Premier Level後,第一眼看到的就是San Manuel Club餐廳,有不少tables都是向著球場的,可以讓人一邊吃飯,一邊看球賽.中場休息的時候我們在這層行了一圈,發現有幾架甜品車在luxury suites的門外派甜品!!老婆還說甜品是不是免費的?我答她看不到server在記賬嗎?在這裡怎可能有免費午餐??
我們的座位在PR1的第1行,比上次在山頂位看Lakers當然近得多!但意想不到的是暴風雨的星期日中午竟然也有這麼多人看Clippers,我想無非都是為了他 — Blake Griffin!每個人都想親眼目睹他灌籃的風彩!難怪Staples Center的gift shop都只是在賣他的球衣和他slam dunk champion的紀念品!!
這次的對手是Phoenix Suns,本來以為前MVP Steve Nash傷了,但為了爭取季後賽入場券他也要帶傷上陣吧!我們坐的Premier Section有in-seat service,有專人定時定候來take order;雖然我們帶了很多snacks,但還是order了老婆最喜愛的chili cheese fries!
頭3節的比數雖然很接近,但Clippers都是全場落後,因為Steve Nash實在太厲害了,差不多每次都能找到open man,能親眼看到他那穿針引線的助攻真是一件賞心樂事,難怪場內也有不少穿著他球衣的fans來支持他!至於Clippers機本上都是1-on-1式的個人表演,Griffin也沒有機會表演灌籃,Chris Kaman反而dunk了幾次...
Half-time show竟然是舞龍!!
第4節Clippers終於落後10+分要輸了,但萬眾期待的一刻終於來臨: Griffin接到球後前面居然空無一人!!這時他開始起跳,全場觀眾也立即站起來,而Suns的中鋒Marcin Gortat竟在最後一刻擋在前面,結果Griffin也能單手入樽,Gortat慘被Posterized!!!簡直是之前在New York Griffin posterized Timofey Mozgov的翻版!!
AP Photo
Blake Griffin dunks over Marcin Gortat, but ended up fouling out on the play in a 108-99 Suns win
這時全場哄動興奮大叫,而球証還吹了哨子,一定是Gortat blocking foul吧,誰知球証竟然判Griffin進攻犯規,還要6犯離場!!!這時原本的歡呼聲立即變成全場噓聲,Griffin也不相信的抱著球坐到中場跪下,當然球証不會放過他,加判他技術犯規!!
獨家影片,搞笑的是Steve Nash一聽到technical foul便立即走去練free throw.
結果比賽在一片噓聲中結束,不少人更因為Griffin 6犯離場後已經離開.至於Griffin的灌籃也引起極大回響:
Polish Hammered
By J.A. Adande@ESPN.com
LOS ANGELES -- With one tweet of a whistle, Blake Griffin went from out-of-this-world dunk to out of the game with six fouls.
With just over four minutes remaining in the Clippers' Sunday afternoon game against the Suns, Griffin took off in the lane and threw down over Marcin Gortat. It was reminiscent of his signature slam on Timofey Mozgov (and similar in that ball, hoop and hand didn't all meet at the same time).
But official Steve Javie called a charging foul on Griffin, his sixth personal, prompting Griffin to grab the ball and run to half court in protest. That drew a technical foul as well from Javie.
The original play drew the highest of praise from Suns coach Alvin Gentry.
"That was a hell of a dunk, OK?" Gentry said. "I don't care if it was a charge. That might be as impressive a dunk as I've seen in the NBA in 23 years. That was the best dunk he's had since he was in the league."
When Gentry's words were relayed to Griffin, he said, "Yeah, well it doesn't count. I don't think Steve Javie thinks that."
"I was just standing there, and I hoped he wasn't going to crush my face."
-- Suns center Marcin Gortat, on taking a charge on a disallowed Blake Griffin dunk for the ages
對今仔來說,能夠親眼目睹Griffin這一dunk已經超越票價;更難得的是,Gortat的樣貌跟我同房同事極之相似,每當回想起Griffin dunk落去他的時候,我的心不禁涼快了起來!!
同場加映: 暴風雨塌樹事件,幸好當時沒有車經過,否則不堪設想...