Wednesday, June 9, 2010



Caution: Social Networking Web Site

This web site is categorized as "Social Networking." Accessing or posting information on this web site may pose a risk to you.

Please review the Information Security Social Media - Safeguarding website.

Employees must adhere to Internet Use Procedure

  • Do not use Social Networking web sites for conducting work-related activities unless you are authorized by your management to do so.
  • Do not post or exchange sensitive information, including information about employees, associates, programs or specific technologies.
  • Do not post Export Controlled Information. For information on export-controlled information or determining whether your information falls under export control regulations, contact your Export Management Office.
  • Exercise caution when clicking on links within these web sites. They may contain malicious software.
  • Be aware that the default user and/or privacy settings are likely to result in broad sharing of any information that you post. Be sure to read the web site's privacy policy to understand how information you post can be accessed, used and shared.

This is a reminder that all Internet access is logged and may be monitored.

By clicking below, you accept the following statement: I understand and accept responsibility for the above policies and guidance and would like to proceed to the Social Networking web site.


有得可以按"click here to proceed"當然是好事,但公司也提醒著:我們無時無刻都在監視著你.

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