Saturday, April 30, 2011

2011/4/30 每周一讀 :「日本地震海嘯是天譴」


(嗨.每次天災過後,總有些anti-Christians出來撩事鬥非斷章取義,再加一些煽情的標題和悲慘的圖片,就說: 看,假如你們的神是這麼仁愛慈悲的話,為甚麼會降這些天災在我們身上?難道真是順我者生,逆我者亡嗎?)

(1. 作者當然不會提到,"紛紛協助救援"的"世界各地"也包括天主和基督教會.
2. 3月11號日本地震,3月14號作出反應也算"非常即時"??很明顯是這些人慣用的誇大手法)

根據美國最大報紙,「USA Today」的報導,基督教網站「Prophecy Update」是個專門蒐集世界各種災禍,並且與聖經互相印對的網站。該站的站主之一,基督教的預言教師(Prophecy Teacher)Jimmy DeYoung,如此分析日本大地震:「The word "earthquake" is used 19 times in the Bible, 13 times in the prophetic passages of the Word of God.」「地震這個字,在聖經當中被用了19次,在上帝的話語段落當中出現13次。」接著他訪問了一位基督教預言學者Dennis Petersen。看到這次日本災情慘重的海嘯,Dennis Petersen 先提到聖經當中諾亞方舟的大洪水,然後認為說3月11號的災難背後的原因很簡單,就是因為人們『不關心神』(willing ignorance of God)。

(1. "美國最大報紙"的一個副刊作者個人意見,並不代表USA Today的立場,更不能說成是"USA Today的報導",又一誇大example.就算是USA Today的好吧,難道報紙的言論就不會有錯?
2. 世界上有不少自稱"基督教預言教師"的人,最最喜歡當不幸或災難發生後引經據典,說甚麼"預言應驗啦,都是因為你們不信神"之類,然後叫你買書買DVD!當然用宗教來賺錢的人的言論往往就是anti-Christians最愛引用的.
3. 假如基督教的神真是"你不愛我"就"讓你死無葬身之地"的"沒安全感自私鬼",請問作者為甚麼還能在這個世界上生存呢?)


基督教會率先出招,天主教會當然輸人不輸陣。一家名為「Catholic News Agency」的天主教媒體指出,大海嘯摧毀的地點距離一位天主教修女看到聖母馬麗亞顯靈的教堂不到90英里,而那位後來被稱為「秋田聖母」在起乩的時候有說過:「如果人類不懺悔並且悔改,天父將會對全人類施與恐怖刑罰。那個刑罰將比聖經當中的洪水更巨大,是前所未見的。天上將降下大火,並將消滅大量的人類,好人跟壞人都同樣受死,是不是信徒都要死。」「...If men do not repent and better themselves, God the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. If will be a punishment greater than the (biblical) flood, such as never seen before ... Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful.」
1. 聖母那次顯現是1973年,內容後段還有魔鬼入侵分化教會,使很多神職人員離教.而事實也証明這預言是真的.
2. 那次顯現的主要目的其實是叫人悔改和為神職人員祈禱,我不覺得這有甚麼錯.
3. 再一次重申,災難只是其次,請不要將其無限放大,懺悔悔改祈禱才是最重要的!
4. 天主教媒體的報導最後還提到: "Reports from Akita following Friday's earthquake indicate that the city received significantly less damage than other parts of northern Japan, despite its proximity to the epicenter." 作者為甚麼不提這不幸中之大幸??)

而這個「基督教的網上論壇」,則明白的說「日本大地震跟海嘯是上帝對同性戀的懲罰」「The Japan Earthquake and Tsunami is God's Punishment for Homosexuals」。至於美國基督教右派人士最愛的,福斯新聞台(FOX News)主持人Glenn Beck,也在媒體上公開認為,日本大地震與神有關。
(1. 又是個人言論,你隨便去任何一個討論區都分分鐘找到一大堆,還有那言論已被管理員刪了.
2. 幾時連電視台主持人都變成了權威??"美國基督教右派人士最愛的福斯新聞台",要扯成這樣我真的笑了出來!)


(不是吧,下雨都入上帝數!還有當作者前面還重覆提到"大地震""大海嘯""死傷遍地"時,你不覺得你寫的"上帝要降雨來阻止同性戀遊行"這句很有問題,很不make sense嗎?)



DOG is better than GOD !!




延伸閱讀: 教宗回答「為何要受苦」
延伸閱讀: 約伯記: 耶和華回答約伯

Friday, April 29, 2011






Wednesday, April 27, 2011


小人 — Mastamic

Verse 1:
世界冇乜真君子 往往太多真小人
大家要小小心 提防你身後會有小人
小人就似seven 梗有一個喺你左近(係咩)
司馬昭之心 呢個賤人諗住包藏禍心
我越講越忟 最忟係冇人睇得穿你嘅為人(唔係啩)
衷心將以下呢句說話送畀你哋 你啲小人

Fuck you (Fuck you) Fuck you very very much
每天都對住你 其實我憎死你 畀我就一刀桶死你
Fuck you (Fuck you) Fuck you very very much
每天都對住你 其實我憎死你 畀我就一槍打瓜你

Verse 2:
唔係咁蹻 但個頭剪到成條粟一燒(咁誇張)
最叻嗰招 係同老細扮天真嬌咋嬌(唔係啩)
對人皮笑肉不笑 呢招係佢絕招
份人特別高調 謆人懶用緊高招
冇鏡照 麻煩自己屙篤尿照一照

Fuck you (Fuck you) Fuck you very very much
每天都對住你 其實我憎死你 畀我就一刀桶死你
Fuck you (Fuck you) Fuck you very very much
每天都對住你 其實我憎死你 畀我就一槍打瓜你

Verse 3:
佢特徵係面對老細時特別和顏悅色(係啊 係啊)
轉頭面對同事 個個要睇佢面色(係啊 係啊)
佢專長通識 其實就係通通都唔識(真係咁架)
唔識 佢偏偏扮識 一切靠呃搵飯食(係啦)
你對得住天 但你對唔住地
我對住你 我放長眼 睇你點衰收尾

Fuck you (Fuck you) Fuck you very very much
每天都對住你 其實我憎死你 畀我就一刀桶死你
Fuck you (Fuck you) Fuck you very very much
每天都對住你 其實我憎死你 畀我就一槍打瓜你

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Judgment Day



之後看到阿頭找了另一個同事進了他的office.我對他的印象也不是太好,因為他沒有禮貌,跟他打招呼他卻不會回你的那種.他很喜歡經過我office時打噴嚏和"呻"鼻涕,非常討厭.他在我組裡應該算高級,因為他有自己的office,但我從來不知道他負責甚麼工作.後來他還找阿頭問他:What skills am I lacking?


第四個犧牲者想不到竟然是我組唯一的秘書!因為我只是個small potato,所以很少跟她有接觸,就算book conference room開會甚至office有蟻患都是我自己去解決的,從來不用勞煩她;但每逢年尾我組總會流傳一張心意卡寫著每人要夾$10來"thank you for your great work this year".印象中她比我的同房同事更厲害,無時無刻都在講電話.還有一件事令我印象很深刻的,就是有次她拿pay stub到我office時,無端端突然對我說: You wish you're getting paid the same grade as your roommate (???), 間接爆了我同房同事的人工高過我!我當然沒有回應她,後來她也大概知道她失言了,往後的日子她對我的態度變得特別好.她接過阿頭的package離開時,我看到她正在用紙巾抹眼淚.

之後,阿頭再沒有親自請人到他的office,我想今次大屠殺就此結束吧;就算有遺漏到5月9日看看有那些人收拾行裝便知道了.只是如果我們還是贏不到project的話,難保明年還會有second round.

P.S. 最近無意中發現同房同事的年薪大概比我高~$1000.
P.P.S. 前年淡季我組有部份同事外借出去到去年6月的,誰知同房同事去年1月便被人退了回來,之後又話自己情況特殊,不能接觸proposal related work!!最近還放風到阿頭那裡說想調職,結果很可能趁這次機會送他一程吧...

Monday, April 25, 2011

Monetery Park Deadly Shootout


Police kill suspect in Monterey Park gun battle

By Sam Allen, Los Angeles Times

A running gun battle Sunday in Monterey Park left a suspect dead and a police officer and two bystanders wounded. Authorities evacuated several dozen residents, and a SWAT team surrounded an apartment building where a second assailant was believed to be hiding, but a search turned up nothing, officials said.

Monterey Park Police Officer Gilbert Alvarez suffered a grazing wound to the head and was in stable condition at County-USC Medical Center, officials said.

The conditions of the bystanders were not immediately available. One was shot in the leg, officials said.

The gunfight occurred about 5 p.m. after officers responded to a report of a stabbing stemming from road rage at South Garfield and Newmark avenues, a busy commercial area, officials said. The stabbing victim, whose name was not released, was injured in his upper torso and was in stable condition in a hospital, they said.

The stabbing might have been the result of an earlier hit-and-run crash, according to officials.

The shooting erupted almost as soon as officers reached the scene. A resident, who asked that her name not be used, said she heard "a lot of shots" and officers ordering someone to "put the gun down." Bullets shattered the windows of numerous cars on Newmark, including police cruisers.

Monterey Park Police Capt. Eugene Harris said officers killed an unidentified suspect after he opened fire on them. "It was very chaotic," Harris said. "There were people everywhere."

He said he did not know if the bystanders struck by gunfire had been involved in the hit-and-run or stabbing.

A second suspect was seen running away after the shooting, officials said. More than 100 police officers and Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies flooded the streets, with helicopters hovering above.

For hours into the night, the SWAT team remained deployed around the apartment building on Newmark, across from a CVS pharmacy. Officials said they had believed the other suspect might still be holed up in the building.

In the darkness, officers also searched neighboring buildings and yards, to no avail. About 40 to 50 residents left voluntarily or were told to evacuate. The American Red Cross set up an evacuation center at a nearby church.

Monterey Park officer, 2 others injured in deadly shootout (Click for videos)

MONTEREY PARK, Calif. (KABC) -- A police officer is wounded in a deadly shootout in Monterey Park that left two others injured.

The incident began around 5 p.m. Sunday when Monterey Park officers arrived at an apartment building at 111 East Newmark Avenue. They found a man who had been stabbed, possibly following a traffic conflict.

A witness saw two men jump out of their cars and get into an argument.

"All of a sudden I just heard one big shouting," said witness Betty Hau. "I said it must be a fight. Then all of a sudden I saw the bigger guy attack this young little guy."

Hau said the suspect went inside the apartment building. Authorities said when police arrived, he came out shooting.

"It turned into a running gun battle," said Capt. Eugene Harris from Monterey Park police. "With the suspect running away from the location and the officers following him. That is when the suspect was shot. Somewhere in that exchange the officer was shot."

"Then I heard a gunfire exchange, at least 10 to 20 bullets," said Hau. "I was across the street trying to run away from the other side."

A SWAT team and officers from several agencies went yard to yard searching for a second suspect seen running from the area.

"It's a very small methodical process," said Harris. "A lot of agencies, a lot of officers, K-9 assets are being used. So there's a lot that we are doing."

The apartment building will remain closed as the investigation continues. Authorities said they have recovered a gun believed to be used by the suspect who wounded the officer, and then was shot and killed at the scene.

The three victims were rushed to Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center and are listed in stable condition.

It is especially amazing for that officer. Authorities said Officer Gilbert Alvarez just narrowly missed being shot in the head.

"He has a grazed gunshot wound to the upper portion of his head," said Harris. "And a large contusion on the back of his head that he suffered from the fall during the gun fight."

Investigators said the 45-year-old has his family by his side and is being kept for observation. The male victim who was stabbed in the initial incident is listed in stable condition. The innocent civilian who was caught in the crossfire and shot in the leg is also in stable condition.

Alvarez is a veteran officer with Monterey Park Police. He is expected to be released from the hospital Monday.

Suspect killed, policeman shot responding to hit-run crash

The search for a second suspect has been called off in Monterey Park, where officers responding to a hit-and-run crash came under fire, triggering a shootout that killed a suspect and left one officer and two civilians wounded, a sheriff's department spokesman said.

It was determined there was no second suspect, Deputy Benjamin Grubb of the Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau said.

Monterey Park officers responded to a call of a hit and run crash and a stabbing victim at Garfield and Newmark avenues at about 4 p.m. Sunday, Grubb said.

The suspect fired on the officers, who returned fire, he said. One officer was struck and the suspect was fatally wounded.

The officer who was shot was taken to a local hospital and treated for a non-life-threatening injury, he said. Two bystanders were wounded, Grubb said, and it is not clear whether they were from the suspect's bullets or the deputies'. The stabbing victim also was at a local hospital.

A handgun was recovered at the scene, he said.

Sheriff's homicide detectives were assisting the Monterey Park Police Department with the investigation.

No names have been released, Grubb said.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

2011/4/23: 每周一讀 : 香港只有趕絕小販政策








今天的小販政策 迹近變態




延伸閱讀: 港青台創業 雞蛋仔變金蛋
延伸閱讀: ?

Friday, April 22, 2011



今天便拿了我的TSXsierra acura做maintenance.機本上只是最簡單的A1: oil change + tire rotation,當然dealer不會那麼容易放過我,又氹我換fluid和氹我換filter,我當然一一say no.看來又打來說後輪兩個brake pad剩15%要換了,多謝$400!!!$400換兩塊膠??幸好我已經不是當年的無知少年,當然採佢都傻!後來去了媽咪朋友的修車中心一問,換兩個brake pad大約$130.

如果不是sierra acura在alhambra的話,根本不想在那裡做保養,掠水之餘還次次都要很久才搞掂,好像這次簡單的都要花兩個半小時,不簡單的便要花一整天!只是下星期五又要花時間去換膠了.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

2011 3月娛樂回顧



  • 比"72家租客"還要好,已經夠贏.
  • 又係一次TVB卡士大晒冷,但竟然俾吳君如steals the show!!
  • 最強演員陣容竟配上最弱雞的故事情節,黃百鳴果然是新一代爛片之王!
  • 以為沒有可能差過去年"花田囍事",誰知真的可以像特衰政府一樣低處未算低!!
  • 點解男女主角竟然是黃百鳴同個大陸婆???其他星都是客串???
  • 完全冇笑位,悶到瞓著覺.
  • 好明顯谷德昭target國內觀眾的大陸笑片.
  • 總覺得古天樂搭吳君如好像有點怪,差了半個generation.
  • 3套裡面算中規中舉,劇情predictable笑位也不多,但也比"最強囍事"好很多.

  • CCTVB,我特登download高清台煙花是因為我真的只想看煙花,我真的不care當奴會有甚麼特狗反應,求你不要再無端端影他那副狗奴才咀臉可以嗎?
  • 華麗明星賽: 非常entertaining,但始終get over不到那句"這一刻讓我使你血脈廢"...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011



經過多年的環保教育後,我們近年真的環保了很多.老婆那獨一無二的天藍色Mazda Tribute Hybrid轉眼間已3歲,雖然經歷了一些少災少難,但40000 miles後還是保持著30 mpg,對於SUV來說真的不能挑剔了!她還在車上預備了環保袋,以備隨時shopping之用,我們家裡真的少了很多膠袋.

當然CVS的green bag tag都幫了大忙,因為每用4次便有$1 ECB!所以我通常都選擇去CVS instead of Rite Aid and Walgreens.

今個月我們也join了recyclebank,因為Alhambra加入了recyclebank的curbside pickup program,每個星期大約分到60-70 points,而2500 points便可以換到$10 gift card.


P.S. 老婆的Mazda Tribute Hybrid今個月終於供完,正式成為我家的一分子!

Monday, April 18, 2011


Massive arson fire scorches St. John Vianney Church in Hacienda Heights
By Brian Day, San Gabriel Valley Tribute

HACIENDA HEIGHTS - An arsonist may have destroyed a house of worship over the weekend, however St. John Vianney Church is as strong as ever, clergy and parishioners said.

Los Angeles County sheriff's investigators have determined a massive fire that caused an estimated $8 million worth to damage to the church, 1345 Turnbull Canyon Road, just after midnight Saturday was intentionally set.

"The extensive structure fire at St. John Vianney Church in Hacienda Heights has been confirmed as an act of arson," sheriff's officials said in a written statement.

"We are actively investigating to identify the suspect responsible. At this time we are not able to share any leads that we are working on."

Richard and Maria Navarro, who have been attending the church for 38 years, said they were devastated by the destruction behind the church's scorched main building.

"Whoever did this is just... there's no name for it," Maria Navarro said. "They did it to a whole community."

"(But) it is a building, and they did not destroy the church. We are the church."

Despite the outrage over the senseless destruction, parishioners and church staff also spoke of forgiveness.

"It's a very troubled person that did this, and we'll pray for him as well," Maria Navarro said.

The Navarros said they have made countless wonderful memories inside the gutted church. All three of their children received their first communion there, and one of their daughters was married there.

Masses are being held in the church's activities center, to the rear of the damaged main church building.

Father Ricky Viveros reiterated that the loss of a building will not weaken the church.

"Our parish is alive and well," he said. "We're the church. The people."

Viveros also called on the community to pray for whoever's responsible for the blaze.

While Viveros acknowledged that the fire has cause caused some broken hearts, "There's a sense that we're going to triumph over this act of evil and move forward."

St. John Vianney Church, he said, "will be rebuilt."

Viveros was one of three church officials inside on on-campus house when the fire broke out.

"What woke me up was what sounded like glass breaking," he said. "I thought someone was breaking in."

When he looked out his second-floor window, the church was already engulfed in flames.

He gathered the other two men inside the home and all three exited unscathed.

Despite preliminary official reports that one of three priests who were inside a house on the church property suffered minor smoke inhalation, Viveros said that was, luckily, not the case.

A firefighter suffered a cut to his hand while battling the blaze, Los Angeles County Fire Department Dispatch Supervisor Bernard Peters said. He was treated at a local hospital and released later Saturday.

Anyone with information about the fire is asked to call the sheriff's Industry Station at 626-330-3322.

Fire crews bring down church's roof so arson probe can proceed
By J.D. Velasco, San Gabriel Valley Tribute

HACIENDA HEIGHTS - Under a gray and drizzling sky, Los Angeles County fire crews worked Monday afternoon to bring down the roof of the burned-out hulk that was formerly the sanctuary of St. John Vianney Church.

Los Angeles County sheriff's arson investigators have deemed Saturday's blaze - which caused about $8 million in damage - an act of arson, but the exact cause still has not been determined because of the precarious state of the building.

"Right now they're in the process of taking down the roof, because it's too dangerous," said Sgt. Gary Morgan of the sheriff's Arson/Explosives Detail.

Morgan could not say why investigators say the fire was intentionally set other than "burn patterns inconsistent with a normal fire."

He said once the building has been declared safe for investigators to work in, the scene will probably take one more day to process.

One woman who said she's been a member of the church for 35 years but declined to give her name said she was saddened by the scene unfolding in front of her.

"Everybody's just heartbroken," she said. "It's just so senseless."

Michael Gribschaw, music director for the church, said he kept all of his musical works dating back to his college years inside the building. He lost it all.

"Buildings and organs and things can be replaced. The music, that's gone," he said, before being overcome with emotion.

Violet Ramirez, 42, of West Covina, said the church has played an important role in many people's lives over the years.

"All my kids were baptized here. I've been to weddings here," she said. "It just seems like home."

Marie Hernandez, 70, who was watching with her grandson, Christopher Lopez, 14, said she's seen many people crying, but the tragedy isn't keeping her down.

She's been attending the church since 1993. She attended Mass in the O'Callaghan Center in the back of the property after the fire Sunday, along with more than 1,000 others. She said she will be there for Easter.

A Facebook page titled "Rebuild St. John Vianney" already has more than 2,000 followers. There's already been a car wash to raise money for reconstruction, and the neighboring Mormon church offered to let St. John Vianney members use its buildings for services.

But Hernandez said church leaders decided it would be better to keep things where they are. "It's our church," she said.

Easter services will be held as planned Sunday, but in the O'Callaghan Center instead.

After church fire, grieving parishioners attend Palm Sunday service
By Seema Mehta, Los Angeles Times

Alice Ameluxen wept as she stared Sunday at the burned-out shell that was the St. John Vianney Church. An arsonist's fire destroyed the stained glass windows that had cast a warm golden glow on the dark wood pews, the massive pipe organ and the simple wood crucifix that hung above the stone altar.

The 43-year-old had grown up in the Hacienda Heights Catholic church. A half-century ago, her parents were among its founding parishioners. Nearly every milestone in Ameluxen's life, from taking her first Communion to getting married to grieving at her parents' funerals, had taken place within its walls.

"My happiest and saddest memories are here," she said, clutching the hand of her 7-year-old daughter, Jean. "I just feel like I lost my home."

That was a common sentiment on Palm Sunday, as more than 5,000 members of the parish and others from the community struggled to come to terms with an arson the previous day that had destroyed the building.

Bishop Gabino Zavala, who lives two blocks away, was awakened by a neighbor pounding on his door just after midnight Saturday morning. He ran to his front lawn and saw flames shooting 150 feet in the air. He rushed to the church, finding himself alongside priests and parishioners helplessly watching flames destroy the church and the rectory.

"I was unfortunately here to witness the horror of watching our church go up in flames," said the Rev. Msgr. Tim Nichols. "The challenge is not to look backward. It's heartbreaking."

The FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives are investigating the fire along with L.A. County authorities.

"The investigators have been quite definitive to me, this was very definitely a deliberate act," said Steve Whitmore, a spokesman for the Sheriff's Department, who said he could not release additional information because of the ongoing investigation. "They're following up these leads as we speak."

On Sunday, a hastily rearranged Mass was held at a parish hall on the church property that is typically used for wedding receptions, Bible study and other events. More than 1,000 people attended the 10 a.m. gathering, spilling out of the hall. Many lined the walls, while others stood outside, craning their necks to try to hear the service.

Sunday was Palm Sunday, or Passion Sunday, when Christians mark Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem prior to his crucifixion. The pre-Easter message about Jesus' suffering, betrayal and crucifixion was especially poignant given what the parish had seen over the preceding 36 hours. The first reading was from the Old Testament book of Isaiah: "I gave my back to those who beat me, my cheeks to those who plucked my beard; My face I did not shield from buffets and spitting. The Lord God is my help, therefore I am not disgraced; I have set my face like flint, knowing that I shall not be put to shame."

Church leaders vowed to rebuild the church, which they said could cost $10 million and take two to three years.

"On this Passion Sunday, we focus on the death of Jesus but more importantly, we're looking at resurrection. So we're going to rise again with a new church. Praise the Lord," Nichols said, as the crowd cheered loudly.

Despite the attempts to carry on with business as usual, stark reminders of the parish's straits were obvious. There were no hymnals, because they had burned in the pews, so many people did not know the words to the songs. Before taking Communion, parishioners knelt on the hard linoleum floor. The blessed wafers and wine were distributed at the front of the church, but also outside, to ease congestion.

Nichols said the physical location of the Mass didn't matter. "The good news is that we're not in church today, but the church is here because the church is in our hearts," he said. "And we are the people and we are the church."

St. John Vianney was an institution that reached well beyond its Catholic parishioners. Hacienda Heights residents would frequently attend the church carnival and Early California Days festival. This weekend, that community began to extend a hand. Residents left flowers along the property's edge. The local Mormon church and a high school offered facilities for worship, though Nichols said parishioners wanted to stay close to the church building.

Parishioners tried to put on a brave face, but they struggled, especially as they looked at the ruins of the church, which was ringed in safety fence and yellow police tape. A sign deemed the building "unsafe." Sections of Spanish-tile roof and brick wall remained, but the inside was nearly unrecognizable. An acrid smell was heavy in the air.

"I believe this whole world is going to hell in a handbasket," said Reinhold Leiser, an 82-year-old usher at the church. "It's going to be a struggle. But we're going to come out of it, and we're going to build the most beautiful church. I'm convinced of it."

Ameluxen strained as she thought of the person who set the blaze.

"There aren't even words," she said. "I'm sorry for them. I'm sorry they would feel so evil they could do something so terrible."

"I hope God can forgive them for this," she said, before adding. "I'm sure he will."



Saturday, April 16, 2011

2011/4/16 每周一讀 : California Unemployment Benefits


What are the eligibility requirements?
To be entitled to benefits you must be:
* Out of work due to no fault of their own.
* Physically able to work.
* Actively seeking work.
* Ready to accept work.

How are UI benefits calculated?
Benefits are calculated using an individual’s earnings during a specific 12 month period (this is called a base period). The base period begins approximately 15-17 months prior to the date the claim is filed. The amount paid each week is calculated based on the calendar quarter with the highest earnings during the base period.

How much do claimants receive?
Weekly benefit amounts range from a minimum of $40 to a maximum of $450 depending on the claimant’s quarterly earnings. To qualify for the maximum amount each week ($450) an individual must earn at least $11,674.01 in a calendar quarter during the base period.

How long do UI benefits last?
A claim is effective for one year. During the year claimants can receive from 12-26 weeks (1/2 year) of full benefits. The number of weeks varies, based on total earnings during the base period (an individual's earnings during a 12 month period). During periods of high unemployment, additional benefits may be granted by Congress, or the State Legislature.

When should an individual apply for UI benefits?
Individuals should apply for benefits as soon as they are unemployed, or working less than full-time. All claims are effective on the Sunday prior to applying for benefits, and have a one week unpaid waiting period. The waiting period does not begin until the claim is filed.

Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits are taxable and reportable on your federal return (Form 1099G).

Availability to Work
To maintain your eligibility for unemployment benefits, you must be able to work, available to accept a job, and looking for work. You must conduct a reasonable search for work, and certify (on your claim for benefits) that you have done so. You should keep records of the employers you have contacted, the dates you made contact, and the outcome. The Employment Development Department may ask you to provide this information.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Small deals


Wii Games: Lego Batman $10 + Lego Harry Potter $20 = $30


Blu-ray/DVD Combo Packs: The Incredibles + Cars  = $13 x 2 = $26

家裡根本沒有Bluray player,都是為了貪隨碟附送的Cars 2戲飛($8.5).雖然在Bestbuy買平$3,但我有那些免費Target Gift Cards還未用.
The Incredibles: $27 - $10 (Disney coupon) - $5 (Target $5 off $25 Disney Bluray coupon) + tax = $13 - $8.5 (Cars 2) = $4.5
Cars: $25 - $8 (Disney coupon) - $5 (Target $5 off $25 Disney Bluray coupon) + tax = $13 - $8.5 (Cars 2) = $4.5

CVS Coupons: FREE Essence of Beauty Antibacterial Collection product ($4) + FREE candy or beverage ($2) = $6 x 2 = $12 FREE

Rio 3D movie tickets $3 x 2 = $6

"通天"deal.開了兩個account買了兩張,應該會weekend去睇(順便睇埋Scream 4).

Thursday, April 14, 2011

10-11 NBA Playoff 預測(1)



1st Round Prediction

(1) Spurs - (8) Grizzlies

(2) Lakers - (7) Hornets
就算有David West,Hornets都不是Lakers的對手,更何況現在?我想就算Bynum缺陣,Lakers都可以sweep Hornets.(假如Lakers延續近期的"玩玩下"風格當然會輸一兩場.)

(3) Mavs - (6) Blazers
Upset favorites. Mavs看到Lakers竟然survive到Kings保住第2種子,一定咬牙切齒!已經是慣性playoff chokers,再加上Blazers有Wallace加盟和Roy復出,看來6-7場Mavs會再次被upset.

(4) Thunder - (5) Nuggets
Nuggets基本上是2004 Pistons copycat,沒有superstar但每個球員平均來說都算勁,假如Lakers面對這種打teamwork球隊一定死硬.基本上50-50,預測Thunder因有主場之利應該可以game 7 survive吧.

(1) Bulls - (8) Pacers
除非Rose受傷,否則應該是Bulls sweep.

(2) Heat - (7) 76ers
很可惜不是Heat - Knicks,因為superstars對疊,Knicks真的有機會upset的.可惜76ers根本match up不到Heat,假如不被sweep已經算偷笑.

(3) Celtics - (6) Knicks
又是另一個mismatch,Mike D'Antoni's Knicks根本不適合對這類grind it out defensive team.(看看之前幾年Suns過不了Spurs便知).假如是76ers的話Celtics便有點麻煩,但現在就算trade走Perkins自費武功,playoff-mode Celtics應該在6場內搞掂Knicks.(Carmelo應該值1個win吧)

(4) Magic - (5) Hawks
完全看不到Hawks有甚麼方法應付Howard,除非Howard自製foul trouble,否則應該5場內搞掂Hawks.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 25, 2011

最新消息:公司這裡要從百多人中裁25人,若不幸選中,會在April 25, 2011收到通知.明天會有大阿頭前來講解.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bad signs

雖然美國預算案過了關,可是很明顯公司是budget cut的最大受害者...



老婆個program竟然沒有send學生名字去graduation committee,都不知能不能行畢業禮,但外父外母卻剛剛買了機票6月過來...

62撞車了,出freeway時rear end了前面的車,99說他看到沒車來便踩油,卻沒有注意到前面的車還未行,結果撞凹了自己和人家的bumper...


Monday, April 11, 2011



其實那個醫生尚算不錯,只是那些姑娘真的異常的討厭,次次驗身都claim錯搞到要扣保險裡的錢,態度又不好,在醫生前後可以兩個樣!!這次拿驗身報告居然說要收影印費!!我們便說之前跟本沒拿過,還claim了百多元去做個保險應該免費包的annual physical check,你還好意思要收我影印費?我便說我要拿回報告自己去影印,她又說不可以拿去!好像報告上寫的是我的名字,不是你的!本來正想正式開火的,但醫生突然看完症出來了,那個姑娘便突然將報告影印了一份交給我們!結果兩人的報告不足十頁紙,算你$0.1一頁,根本就不用$1!!!


Saturday, April 9, 2011



"Your settop box is not authorized to use"

Technician還以為個盒壞了,可是換了4個盒之後,還是"Your settop box is not authorized to use",於是他又出了去check cable線,signal level一切正常!經過3小時的掙扎後,他說他call了supervisor過來幫我搞.


本來約了星期六1點,結果supervisor 3點才再來,而結果還是一樣not authorized to use.他又出去搞了一輪,經過一小時後,他終於發現了甚麼出錯,終於搞掂!!


Friday, April 8, 2011

2011/4/8 每周一讀 : 拜苦路

(Source: 天主教香港教區)


十字架苦路是基督徒一個比較熟悉的敬禮。這個敬禮是仿效早期的朝聖者往耶路撒冷憑弔耶穌當年受難的地方。自初世紀開始,熱心的教友已開始往巴勒斯坦朝聖。到十二世紀,歐洲各國的教友去聖地朝聖的,更絡繹不絕。他們回家後,依照在聖地所看到的,做了一些耶穌苦難紀念亭或碑。十七世紀時,方濟各會士聖利安納(St. Leonard of Port Maurice)大力宣傳拜苦路的敬禮。一七三一年,教宗格來孟十二世(Clement XII)正式確定十四處苦路,和對苦路的敬禮方式。這十四處的事跡,其中有些載於四福音,有些則屬口傳。為方便教友,現在所有聖堂幾乎都掛有十四處苦路。

天主教自利瑪竇神父,於1582年(明朝萬曆十年)來華宣教;迄今四百餘年了,這樣歷史悠久的教會;文化傳統,必定豐厚。故此傳統經文,聖歌有是用古代漢語寫成.傳統上稱苦路默想敬禮為"拜苦路"。拜不是崇拜(worship);而是敬禮的意思。「拜,首至手也。」說文荀子大略曰「平衡日拜」謂拜手也。後沿以為行禮之統稱。-- 辭源。所謂"拜"聖母,也是一樣,拜沒有向神的崇拜之意;只不過是敬禮。不過現在已改稱敬禮聖母,以免誤會。


  • T形十字架 (Tau Cross):這十字架的形狀取自希臘或拉丁字母T,為原始的十字架標記;早期教父視之為基督徒額上的印記,意謂我們屬於基督,為人犧牲的精神。
  • 拉丁十字架 (Latin Cross):這是最傳統的十字架,相信也是基督被釘時所用的十字架樣式。
  • 拜占庭十字架 (Byzantine Cross):這十字架常見於東方天主教會及東正教。"十"字上面的一欄線,代表聖經上記載的罪狀牌,寫著“INRI"( 拉丁文-Iesus Nazaarenus Rex Iudaeorum 的縮寫,即納匝肋人耶穌、猶太人的君王),而十字底又多了一欄線,代表十字架的腳踏位。
  • 斯拉夫十字架 (Slavonic Cross):這常見於俄國東正教,類似拜占庭十字架,但腳踏位的欄線一高一低,分別代表聖經中耶穌受難時兩旁被訂的強盜。高者代表獲耶穌應允進入天國的那一位,低者為嘲諷耶穌的另一強盜。
  • 希臘十字架 (Greek Cross):這十字架的模樣十分普遍,與傳統式大同小異,常用作早期基督徒被迫害時的隱密記號。
  • 耶路撒冷十字架 (Jerusalem Cross):這又稱為十字軍十字架,共有5個十字架,分別代表耶穌五傷。
  • 八角十字架 (Maltese Cross):十字架的八角分別代表真福八端,並表明跟隨基督十字架所要背負的使命和責任。
  • 受洗十字架 (Baptismal Cross):十字架的形狀加上希臘字母"X",也就是基督名稱的第一個字母"Christ"的讀音,以顯示受洗者與基督同死同生。
  • 階級十字架 (Graded Cross):十字架下的三個階級,代表基督徒的超性德行──信、望、愛三德。
  • 聖史十字架 (Evangelist's Cross):十字架下的四個階級,代表四福音的作者──瑪竇、馬爾谷、路加和若望。
  • 聖安德肋十字架 (St. Andrew's Cross):這十字架形狀為羅馬字“十"的寫法──X,相傳聖安德肋是死在這種形狀的十字架上。
  • 凱爾特十字架 (Celtic Cross):這是愛爾蘭和蘇格蘭土地上特有的十字架,為紀念福音約於第八世紀傳至該等地方的凱爾特民族。
  • 伯多祿十字架 (Peter's Cross):這是伯多祿殉難時選擇的倒掛式十字架,本來是用為顯示他對基督苦難的尊敬,可惜後來先後被崇拜魔鬼主義者及一些極端的誓反教人士,用作反對天主教的記號。
  • 教宗十字架 (Papal Cross):三個十字架重疊的標記,象徵教宗三重身份,就是羅馬教會的主教、西方教會的宗主教,以及宗徒之長、伯多祿的繼任者──教宗。
  • 出遊十字架 (Lorraine Cross):這多為總主教及地區宗主教出遊用的十字架。
  • 真理的火炬 (Torch of Truth):相傳聖道明的母親在夢中得見自己要懷孕一隻黑白的小狗,牠口含火炬,用來光照世界。後來聖道明創立修會,就以母親預見自己口含的火炬,作為其修會記號,會衣顏色就採用小狗的黑白。

Thursday, April 7, 2011

2011/3 音樂回顧

  • 糖兄妹"我最愛糖兄妹"
  • 估唔到變了高登話題,全因HMV賣碟時竟將糖兄個樣俾價錢貼紙遮住:

  • 楊千嬅"Ready Or Not"
  • 粵語歌得"我係我(remix)",輕快版變K歌版.
  • 林一峰,黃馨"花訣"
  • 林一峰走火入魔之作,全隻碟好似得一首俾佢個妹唱過既"毋忘花"係粵語,黃馨更係唱得奇差.
  • 呢隻都算係陳奕迅近期回勇之作,但第一首派台竟然係全碟最差既悶爆K歌"苦瓜",真係爭d俾佢呃左!真係求其plug頭3首其中一首都好過"苦瓜"!!
  • 張智霖"WHAT IS LOVE"
  • 近年香港另一怪現象就係d 90年代歌手突然出返黎開兩三場演唱會俾人懷念一下,順便出碟賺一筆!不過隻碟唔掂囉!
  • 周慧敏"盆栽"
  • 同上,隻碟比張智霖好少少.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011




To My Colleagues:

While leaders in Washington continue to seek accord on the budget and avoid a government shutdown that could begin this Friday, April 8 at midnight, we continue to take steps to prepare in the event a shutdown occurs.

Because no formal budget was passed for the current fiscal year beginning on October 1, 2010, Congress adopted a continuing resolution that extended previous spending levels, first until March 4, then to March 18, and most recently to April 8, 2011. That date is now approaching.

During this time we have been working across the company to identify programs and operations that could be affected, assess the implications for our employees, and understand the actions we need to take in order to meet our commitments and minimize disruption. As you may be aware, many of our customer representatives may not be available in the event of a shutdown. Further, depending on the duration of government closure, it is possible that we may need to pause work on contracts that run out of funding during this period, as well as scale back certain indirect activities.

To prepare for this possibility, a team of corporate office and sector representatives from contracts and pricing, government relations, the law department, human resources, communications, Enterprise Shared Services and sector operations is meeting regularly to assess the situation and develop our action plan.

If a shutdown does occur, we will communicate with you about our plans and any actions that must be implemented. In the meantime, it is critical that we each continue to deliver on our commitments and drive for top performance in everything we do. Thank you for your continued support.


This week, legislators again were unable to come to an agreement on passing a formal budget for the fiscal year, which began Oct. 1, 2010. Funding for the U.S. government runs out as of this Friday, April 8 at 11:59:59 p.m. (Eastern time).

While the expected impact to most of us will be minimal, our continued focus on performance and quality and executing our duties according to the contracts in place remains paramount.

Those who work on programs or projects that may be impacted by the shutdown will be contacted by your management with information and guidance. As always, please address any questions you have to your management or Human Resources Business Partner.

Representatives from Business Management, Contracts and Human Resources have been working to ensure that employees and management are provided with the necessary information to address this situation. We will continue to monitor this fluid situation and make adjustments as necessary to ensure we minimize the impact to our programs and people as much as possible.


In our continuing effort to keep you informed, we are providing the following update. As you know, we have been pursuing new business efforts. To date, we have not received an award. While we are still hopeful for awards later this year, we are at a point where we need to address our staffing needs.

Based on the work we have, we are looking at a reduction in force to take effect in early May. We are beginning the process to assess our skills compared to our current and anticipated future work.

As we finalize detailed plans, we will inform individual employees of their employment status. While company policy requires a written two week notice prior to layoff, it is management’s desire to provide as much verbal notice as possible.

We recognize the need to use all staffing tools available to minimize workforce impact. As a result, we are extending a Voluntary Reduction-In-Force (VRIF) offer. (即自願離職!)

The VRIF option provides an opportunity for any employee contemplating voluntary separation in the near future to volunteer to be placed on layoff. The employee benefits by receiving all the standard severance benefits associated with a layoff and the company benefits by retaining employees that might otherwise be placed on layoff. It is important to understand not all applications will be accepted as participation is based upon current staffing requirements and business needs.

Eligible employees will have until April 18, 2011 to decide whether to participate and submit the necessary application form.

延伸閱讀: 華府瀕斷資 發「求生指南」防混亂

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


剛剛在周末退了gektv,誰知今天charter的賬單中竟然夾了一張charter tv $10/month for 6 months promotion,於是又打去申請了.


再仔細L.A.TVB的節目表,才發現原來只有charter的TVB同步播香港的劇集,time warner和direct tv都是在播一年前的!!真不明白,L.A.TVB竟然為了charter而分家??難道L.A.已經沒有人租碟,人人都走去download??


Monday, April 4, 2011

More Spam


Dear Customer:

One of our email service providers, Epsilon, has informed us that we are among a group of companies affected by a data breach that may have exposed your email address to unauthorized third parties. It's important to know that this incident did not involve other account or personally identifiable information. We use permission-based email service providers such as Epsilon to help us manage email communications to our customers.

We take your privacy very seriously and we work diligently to ensure your private information is always protected. Epsilon has assured us that no private information, other than your email address, was involved in the incident. We regret any inconvenience that this may cause you.

Because of this incident, we advise you to be extremely cautious before opening emails from senders you do not recognize.

We thank you for your understanding in this matter.

幸好我通常都是用spam email注冊購物,就算有時應該都是收多點sapm吧.而credit card現在大多都有fraud protection,早前我試過credit card被盜用去verizon買了千多元,結果不用負責(我懷疑是monoprice的錯).


P.S. 4月6日香港上報: 50巨企客戶電郵被盜 黑客侵最大電郵商 恐爆詐騙潮

Sunday, April 3, 2011

2011/4/3 每周一讀 : 看日本災民如何被利用

(Source: 信報)




日本駐港領使上台致詞,他感謝香港人,說「You're so kind and generous.」(你們非常仁慈及慷慨)。英文應該幾好的陳美齡竟然翻譯成「香港人太寬大!」之後曾志偉也接着說「香港人好寬容,寬大」。背後的潛台詞是:日本人雖然侵略過中國,佔領過香港三年零八個月,又篡改歷史死不認錯,又霸佔釣魚台;但以德報怨的香港人一概不計較,反而在他們最水深火熱的時候伸出援手。


香港的演藝界搞籌款騷身經百戰,從未試過像這次那麼自覺,甚至刻意地宣揚施比受有福、施比受高尚的大香港主義。What's wrong?這大概跟香港人愈來愈沒有自信有關。







Anyway, the bottom line is 施比受更有福,有能力捐總好過要接受別人幫忙.)

延伸閱讀: 日本也需要我捐款嗎?
延伸閱讀: 《不輸給風雨》宮澤賢治

Friday, April 1, 2011

Deal Recap: 難道我變成了購物狂?

12月 Asus laptop = $625
3月 Lenovo Nettop = $266

翻查紀錄,原來我家裡的古董emachines是2005年在circuit city買的,大約$350.想不到emachines竟然可以挨到2011年,但circuit city竟然執笠了,變成了一間網上商店.不過近年emachines的呼吸聲已經越來越大,我已經做好她隨時斷氣的心理準備...但竟然不夠半年花了成千蚊買了兩部腦,難道我已經變成了一個購物狂??

4 x Star Wars In Concert Tickets = $230

62是Star Wars fans,適逢Star Wars In Concert六四Hollywood Bowl開show,於是便買了4張中間位飛.希望到時d激光唔好令我失望.

Pexagon Tech: 2 x 8GB Laser Swivel Drive with Personalization Engraving = $10 x 2 = $20


BuyWithMe: 4 x AMC Silver Tickets = $6 x 4 - $10 = $14

$10 coupon from Discover signup, $3.5一張戲飛真係好抵.

Groupon: $15 ebay gift card = $7

No brainer,呢個deal通晒天.

Lenovo: IdeaPad 13" Sleeve S135 - Pink = $5.5


Impulse Buys

5 Pieces Superbright LED Keychain Flashlight = $1.1

Color Numeric Coded Cable Cord Organization Markers = $0.75

同場加映: Amex Dailywish 50% off FedEx Shipping

同場加映: Sprint cancels employee discount on SERO
本來我公司有Sprint 21% discount on monthly plan,即$30 SERO plan每月可慳$6.誰知:
Thank you for contacting Sprint Employee Phone Programs. The Everything Plus Referral Program accounts receive deep discounts every month and additional discounts are not allowed on the accounts. This was communicated on the February bill on page 2.

500 Anytime Minutes
Unlimited Sms Text Messaging (Not International)
Unlimited Data Usage
Nights and weekends starting at 7pm
Sprint TV Included